April 22, 2021 – The Canadian Lender Association (CLA) Auto Fintech Lending panel included our own Rosa Hoffmann but also Ilja Troitschanski from Axis Auto Finance, Tyler Thielmann from Canada Drives, Jason Appel from GoEasy and was moderated Amir Tajkarimi from Lexop.
We heard from leaders in the auto fintech lending space about how fintech is transforming the auto finance experience – from buyer to dealer to lender. Understand the role that data plays in accelerating originations as well as derisking the underwriting and verification process. This panel brings together Canadian auto credit and technology leaders for a deep dive into the fintech industry.
Rosa Hoffmann presents herself, the company and Andre-Martin Hobbs, DecisioningIT president.
Here’s the April 22, CLA – Auto Fintech Lending panel list

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